Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Study Break

I fell asleep on my stomach at my cousin's house, and since Oreo couldn't sleep with me, he decided to lay (or is it lie?, I wish I knew English) on top of me. I don't think I noticed him.

It's finals week, and I have really bad allergies, so I haven't been able to take Oreo out on his regular walks as often as I'd like to. But I did take him to the dog park yesterday since it was such a nice day and I didn't want to study. I was hoping that he'd tire himself out so I could study in peace, but that didn't work. Here are some more pictures (because I am one of THOSE people).

He had the dog treat in his mouth for the entire walk to the dog park and just forgot it there when he saw the other dogs.

He hides between my legs when he's nervous or afraid. He finally got over it and started socializing.

Oreo just did circles around this big fellow. I think he wanted to play, but the dog didn't pay Oreo any attention. He was too busy with Oreo's toy.


Anonymous said...

it's really nice seeing oreo's pictures!

I'm happy he's doing great and having fun!



Jamie said...

let me dogsit!!!!!!!!!